100th Anniversary Celebration

The 100th Anniversary of the parish will be celebrated the weekend of November 4-5, 2023.


Saturday, November 4th

5 PM Vespers @ Our Lady of Perpetual Help

6-7 PM Cocktail Hour @ St. George Orthodox Cathedral 

7 PM-12 AM Anniversary Banquet @ St. George Orthodox Cathedral 

Sunday, November 5th

10 AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Bishop Francois @ Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Luncheon after Divine Liturgy @ Our Lady of Perpetual Help
(Please RSVP using the gray form at the bottom of this page)

Banquet Tickets

Tickets for the banquet must be purchased in advance. (8 Persons per Table)
$100 per person. NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. There are two options for purchasing:
Download the order form, print, fill it out and mail a check to the church.

Complete the online form below (up to 8 guests) and make your payment with a credit card.

Luncheon RSVP

Please RSVP if you would like to attend the luncheon on November 5th following Divine Liturgy.

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